7 Ways to Have the Best Hiking Experiences in 2021
Happy New Year! As cliché as it may sound, one thing this hellacious last year has given me is a deeper appreciation for health and for quality time outdoors, hiking with my family and friends. It’s no secret that hiking is tremendously good for you , in fact, some doctors are even prescribing time outside as a way to lower your risk of heart disease, improve blood pressure and sugar levels, increase bone density, improve cognitive function, combat depression and attention deficit disorder, the list goes on . But aside from what the doctors have to say, the simple truth is it just feels dang good and I’m committed to making it more a part of my life in 2021. You with me? Below, you’ll find my list of hiking tips — ways to improve your hiking experience this year. I was lucky to spend the better part of my twenties hiking the soggy coast of southeast Alaska and the mountains of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula, so I’m pleased to share these battle-tested insights fr...